by Roderick Conway Morris

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Cantine del Vino gia Schiavi, Venice 1992
© Sarah Quill, all rights reserved

No Zarlatan
Roderick Conway Morris (Times Literary Supplement) 2 July 2010
An extraordinary exercise in baroque lexicography: an amalgam of dictionary, thesaurus, autobiography, anthology of narratives factual and fictional, contemporary songs, opinions, and candid commentary on 18th-century Venice's social and sexual mores.

Venetian Spoken Here
Roderick Conway Morris (Times Literary Supplement) 12 December 2008
The language of Venice is older, less artificial and more influential than Italian itself

Venetian Vernacular Inscriptions
Venice Comes to Life in its Vernacular Inscriptions
Roderick Conway Morris (Times Literary Supplement) 21 January 2022
Of books about Venice there seems to be no end, but few offer significant new insights. One that does is Ronnie Ferguson's Venetian Inscriptions: Vernacular writing for public display in medieval and Renaissance Venice.